ePUAP Trusted Profile: making it easier to get things done without leaving your home
During the coronavirus pandemic, complying with orders issued by the Government in Poland, it is important to limit leaving home to the minimum necessary. However, urgent matters remain which, with the current recommendations and due to the fact that most offices and institutions are closed to direct customer service, become difficult and sometimes impossible to deal with. Therefore, it is useful to have and use tools that authenticate our identity. With them, you can remotely complete, sign and submit applications or other e-documents to, among others, the Civil Registry Office, Tax Office or Social Insurance Institution without printing, signing and scanning.
ePUAP platform
Having a trusted profile in the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), contacting the required office is much faster and does not require leaving home. The ePUAP platform is the official platform with the catalogue of tasks available, grouped into categories. Everyone can go to the required tab, choose the topic of interest or search for a place where he has something to arrange.
However, to have the matter done, one must first create an account in ePUAP and a user profile. Then you need to confirm your data using:
- a confirmation point;
- an account in the system of a bank or another entrepreneur who has consent to confirm a trusted profile;
- a qualified electronic signature
- a new ID card with an electronic layer and a reader to connect to a computer.
Only after authentication, the profile becomes a trusted profile and may be used to sign electronically generated documents.
Trusted profile
According to Article 3 point 14 of the Act of 17 February 2005 on the computerization of the activities of entities performing public tasks, a means of electronic identification containing a set of data identifying and describing a natural person who has full or limited legal capacity that has been issued in the manner referred to in the said act is defined. The data referred to above are: name (names), surname, date of birth and PESEL. Foreigners can also set up a trusted profile, but it is important that they have a PESEL number.
A person with an ePUAP account and using the profile described above can be unanimously identified. A trusted profile, although it is not an electronic signature in itself, is a kind of electronic identification that allows you to place a trusted signature.
It should be emphasized that the trusted profile is specially secured. No one can use it except the authorized person: the holder. This is to assume that a person who has a trusted profile and is using it is credible, and the signature electronically submitted by him/her is actually his/hers and is equivalent to a handwritten signature.
A binding signature can be made during the period of validity of the trusted profile. Pursuant to §9 of the regulation of the Minister of Digitization of 10 September 2018 regarding the trusted profile and trusted signature, the trusted profile is confirmed for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of extension for another 3 years. A person with a trusted profile may extend its validity: 1) independently in the system in which the trusted profile is issued, confirming this operation using a trusted profile or qualified electronic signature; 2) at the confirmation point.
What can be done using a trusted profile
With the trusted profile, one can, among others, proceed with a matter regarding:
- Quarantine, e.g. home quarantine: submitting a statement by citizens about the inability to install the Home Quarantine application.
- General matters, e.g. filing with the Patent Office of an application to obtain a trademark protection right.
- Copy of a Civil Status Certificate: submission of an application for a copy of a civil status certificate, including marriage, birth and death.
- Check-in, for example: submitting an application for permanent or temporary residence.
- Entrepreneurship, e.g. running and setting up a business: submitting an application for entry in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activities.
- Civil Matters, e.g. birth of a child: submitting an application to register the birth of a child.
- Taxes, fees, duties, for example: payment of a fine, appeal or complaint against a decision or order in tax matters filed through the authority issuing the decision or order.
- Automotive and transport, e.g. driving license: submission of an application for a certificate of authorization to drive vehicles.
- Health, e.g. submitting an application for access to medical documentation to a selected Public Institution.
- Construction and housing, e.g. submitting to the selected Public Institution an application for an extract and drawing from the local development plan.
A trusted profile is useful not only for using ePUAP, but also for online services on official portals such as:
Platform of Electronic Services of Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (PUE ZUS): to send applications regarding the anti-crisis shield (application for exemption from ZUS contributions), check sick leave, check if the employer has registered an employee for insurance, check information on the status of the insurance account in ZUS;
- Central Register of Economic Activities (CEIDG): for example, to set up a company, resume or suspend business activity, obtain data about persons who run companies in Poland;
- Tax portal: to register the company’s actual beneficiaries to the Central Register of Actual Beneficiaries;
- E-Platform MS National Criminal Records: to download a criminal record certificate;
The signature placed on letters sent electronically to selected offices, confirmed by trusted profile data, is a convenient and free solution. Of course, interested persons can choose and use a paid tool, i.e. a secure electronic signature verified by a valid qualified certificate.
- https://www.biznes.gov.pl/pl/firma/sprawy-urzedowe/chce-zalatwic-sprawe-w-urzedzie/dlaczego-warto-zalatwiac-sprawy-urzedowe-przez-biznes-gov-pl-i- how-to-do / profile-trusted-and-electronic-signature-do the business-affairs-online-for-business-gov-en-and-other-sites-administration;
- https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/zaloz-profil-zaufany
- Act of 17 February 2005 on the computerization of the activities of entities performing public tasks (Dz. U. z 2020 r. poz. 346);
- Regulation of the Minister of Digitization of 10 September 2018 regarding the trusted profile and trusted signature (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1760).
Author: Trainee Attorney-at-Law Linda Zawiślak
Editorial supervision: Attorney-at-Law Paweł Tokarski